WordPress automatic upgrade.

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While having the ability to manually mess around with any aspect of the blog is a cool feature, one downside to having the manual version of WordPress is that upgrading becomes a bit of a chore. Usually by the time I get around to upgrading, there is a new version of WordPress available by the time I am done.

So I deal with the frustrating nag in the admin page, urging me to upgrade.

Well, I need not worry about this anymore. Jeff Bakalar of CNET has given a thorough video tutorial of a neat WordPress plugin called WordPress automatic upgrade.

The plugin goes through all the tedious steps required to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress. While there are a lot of task screens that must be clicked through, the whole process still goes by substantially faster than before. If you have the manual version of WordPress, I highly recommended WordPress automatic upgrade.

No more tedium, and no more nags.


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